Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Asus router

Asus router setup info
Stuff I setup on my Asus router
I have a tmobile tm ac1900
A rebadged Asus rt ac68u
DDNS through Asus so I could have a link where I could always access my pi through the router.
This is where Asus give you a link in the form of. Asus. Com and it constantly monitors your home Internet address which changes, so you can always connect

Select WAN on left, then DDNS on top.
Then just enter a host name, and apply.  If its available, you will get it.

VPN with openvpn on the router. This keeps it safe, all comm goes through VPN

Changes from default config
1.  Don't use the normal 192.168.1.x for the internal ip address.  Change 1 to something else.
Select LAN on the left.  Change the IP address, then select apply.
2.  enabled DDNS.  Select WAN on the left, then DDNS tab on top.  Yes to Enable the DDNS Client, I used the free ddns server, created a new address.  It checks for availability.  Then click apply.  You don't have to worry about remembering the address, it will automatically insert the address into the openvpn file below.
3.  Turned on WPS (from wireless menu)
4.  Added pi as a static IP address
5.  Enabled guest network
6.  Turned on VPN Server using openvpn.  Used the default setting.  Create some usernames and passwords, add and save.  Export file.  Do the DDNS before doing this, and it will use the ddns address you created.  Export the file, should be client.ovpn
email the file to yourself

Android VPN setup
install open VPN connect on your phone.
go to your email, and download the client.ovpn file
start the open VPN connect program, and select the ovpn file.  It was in my downloads directory of the sd card.
enter your username and password
hit connect, wait a few, and it should connect.

You can now go to your browser, and connect to anything in your home network.
Address needs to be in the form of

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